Stations of the Cross

Lent 2005
Limoges porcelain
14 pieces, 24 x 24 cm each
text inspired by La Bible by André Chouraqui, edited by Akos Czigany

I. Condemned to death

they seek false witness against Ieshua, to put him to death. (...) They say, 'This man said: I am able to destroy the Temple of Elohim and to rebuild it in three days.'

– Matthew 26: 59-61

II. He accepts the cross

and bearing his cross on his own, he goes out to a place called Cranion, in Hebrew Golgotha.

– John 19: 17

III. He falls the first time *

'My being is veiled with the sorrow of death. Stay here, keep awake with me.' He goes a little farther and falls on his face.

– Matthew 26: 38-39

* unsupported by biblical text

IV. He meets his mother *

'Courage oh womb that bare you, oh breasts which you sucked!' But he tells her, 'Even more, courage who listen to the speech of Elohim and keep it!'

– Luke 11: 27-28

* unsupported by biblical text

V. Simon of Cyrene helps him

As they lead him away, they seize a certain Simon of Cyrene who was coming from the fields. They make him carry the cross behind Ieshua.

– Luke 23: 25-26

VI. Veronica wipes his face *

''Who sees me has seen the father.'

– John 14: 9

* unsupported by biblical text

VII. He falls the second time *

Then he begins to swear with curses: 'I do not know the man!'

– Matthew 26: 74

* unsupported by biblical text

VIII. He turns to the daughters of Ierushalaim

Ieshua turns to them and says,'Daughters of Ierushalaim, do not cry for me. Instead, cry for yourselves and for your children, for the days are coming (...)'

– Luke 23: 27-31

IX. He falls the third time *

'I do not tell you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.'

– Matthew 18: 22

* unsupported by biblical text

X. Stripped of his garments

So the soldiers, after they have crucified Ieshua, take his garments and make four parts, one for each soldier, and the tunic. For the tunic was seamless, woven in one piece.

– John 19: 23-24

XI. Nailed to the cross

It is the third hour.
They crucify him.

– Mark 15: 25

XII. He dies on the cross

Ieshua cries again with a loud voice; he gives up his spirit. And behold, the veil of the sanctuary is torn in two from top to bottom, the earth shakes, the rocks split, the sepulchres open (...).

– Matthew 27: 50-54

XIII. Taken down from the cross

Joseph takes the body, he wraps it in a clean linen shroud.

– Matthew 27: 57-59

XIV. Placed in sepulchre

So they take Ieshua's body and wrap it in linen cloths with the aromatics (...). At the place where he was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden a new sepulchre in which no one had yet been laid.

– John 19: 40-41

 photo credits Gabor Akos Varga